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Integrative & Functional Medicine

Bridging the gap between conventional & complementary medicine

Mindy Rohrbacher, L.AC, IFMCP
Acupuncture Physician
(352) 362-7615

Women’s Health

Integrative medicine and the positive effects on women’s health concerns including menopause, gynecological health, fertility, pregnancy, emotional well being and more.

EE Systems in Florida

The EE System (Energy Enhancement System) is an innovative technology designed to promote holistic well-being through frequency healing. It works by generating multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves and photonic energy, which can help harmonize the body’s cells, reduce stress, and enhance overall health. This advanced system supports the body’s natural healing abilities, promoting balance and vitality.

Experience the transformative power of frequency healing and embark on a journey towards optimal wellness by visiting these centers in Florida.

Aurora Healing Ministry
48 units
      935 East Klosterman Road Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
     (727) 410-9236
       Facebook Page

24 units
       3440 US-1 S, Suite 202 Saint Augustine, FL 32086
     (904) 217-0660
       Facebook Page

Florida Frequency Farm
8 units

        17519 Southwest 95 Avenue Archer, Florida 32618
      (727) 836-0910

Regeneration Room
36 units

       4401 Vineland Road, A4 Orlando, FL 32811 USA
      (407) 750-2936
       Facebook Page

Detox Salt Bath Formula

      • Water (city water OK as the action draws from your body)
      • 2 cups sea salt or Himalayan salt
      • 2 cups baking soda
      • 1 cup Borax
      • Soak for 45 minutes in very warm water. Can add more hot water if cools off.
      • Rinse off after bath

Unlock the Power of Detoxification
After experiencing the transformative energy of the EE System™, your body begins an essential detoxification process, “cleaning house,” as Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, the system’s inventor, describes it. This cleansing is a crucial step in your healing journey, helping your body expel toxins and recharge for better health. Detoxing enhances the benefits of your EE System™ session by supporting your body’s natural healing abilities. Explore our comprehensive detox guide to understand why this process is vital and how to effectively support your body during this cleansing phase.

Learn More

Cancer Care

Studies have shown that acupuncture can help control a number of symptoms and side effects of cancer treatment to improve the quality of life for patients.


Dr. Michael Faas
4400 NW 23rd Ave, Gainesville..32606

Helping Hands Chiropractic Center recognizes that no two individuals place the exact physical and mental demands on their bodies; nor do any two individuals ever present with exactly the same pattern underlying their symptoms. It is for this reason that Helping Hands Chiropractic Center does not take a “Shot-Gun” approach to treatment. Many issues are taken into consideration when developing your Personal Care Plan.

Helping Hands Chiropractic Center focuses on a goal-oriented road to recovery. Dr. Faas, Dr. Myhree and Dr. McChesney integrate our team of health care professionals in order to develop a customized plan of treatment for each patient’s specific needs. A very personalized set of goals will be discussed and established with each individual’s life style emphasized.

Dr. Jeffrey Smith
A Center for Well-Being
903 NW 6th St. Gainesville, Fl 32605

The Nervous System is the master system of the body, and every aspect of the human experience is processed through it. The Nervous System is made up of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves that both receive information from and send information out to all aspects of the body. When there is interference with the function of the Nervous System, dysfunction can occur.

Nerve interference can compromise your physical health and well-being. It can also have psycho-emotional manifestations as well – an impaired nervous system can distort your perception of the world and limit your ability to respond to your environment.

What I do as a Chiropractor is locate and correct the cause of that interference. I use a thorough examination, history, scan and palpation, to locate the interference, then low-force and wholistic techniques to clear it. My main objective is to clear your Nervous System so that your body can adapt and respond to stressors (whether physical, chemical, emotional, or spiritualin nature) and maximize your self-healing potential. I do not focus on symptoms or necessarily diagnose conditions, but what I find is that by clearing interference in your nervous system, symptoms and conditions diminish.

I specialize in gentle low-force techniques, which address the body in a wholistic manner. I use Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) and Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI) to address tension/interference in the spinal cord itself, Neuro-Emotional Technique to specifically access the emotional components of nerve interference; and Activator to gently make structural corrections.

A Chiropractor who applies Kinesiology and also has special technique for adjusting cervical Atlas.

Peter Benson
1028 NW 13th street, Gainesville 32601

Helping you return to a natural state of good, healthy living.

Chiropractic care is based on the scientific fact that your body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism. These important functions are controlled by the brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves of the body.

Chiropractic is a natural method of health care based on restoring proper function and maintaining the health of the spine and nervous system. The stress of modern-day life, poor diet, inadequate exercise, and accidents can lead to many spinal disorders. If the spine and nervous system are properly maintained, the body will function at its optimum capacity, and be free from pain and fatigue.

They specialize in the following areas with Children Adolescents and Adults:

*Applied Kinesiology
*Specific Upper Cervical Care
*Grostic Technique
*Hand/Arm Pain
*Foot/Leg Pain
*Sports and Auto Injuries
*Soft Tissue Injuries
*Nutritional counseling

Stabilizing the energy within the body in order to create a well-balanced individual is highly important. A good balance between your mental and physical state are key to your health. Chiropractic care can help to bring balance back to your life and improve you overall well-being. Call our office today to make an appointment.


Mindy Rohrbacher, AP
Acupuncture Physician

Joseph Williams
Acupuncture Physician and D.O.M.
Sunshine Integrative Health
JJ uses laser to heal mouth sores from chemo & radiation very successfully

Kathleen leavy, RN AP
Master Herbalist Physician
802 A NW 23rd Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32609

Cancer Support

Natural Strategies For Cancer Patients [Paperback]
Russell Blaylock M.D. (Author)

When someone’s diagnosed with cancer they need an immediate game plan to fight the disease, especially once the oncologist prescribes a course of treatment of chemotherapy and/or radiation. Oftentimes these treatments have dangerous consequences. Current international research shows without a strong nutritional foundation, a patient’s odds of surviving these treatments-let alone beating cancer-are greatly reduced. However, patients receiving the proper balance of healthy foods, vitamins and minerals, and selected nutritional supplements show a striking increase in the effectiveness of their chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Cancer and current cancer treatments wage war on the body, but Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. – a respected doctor and clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery – has developed an easy-to-follow program to fight back naturally. “Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients” shows how easy it can be to fortify nutritional status during this critical time. Patients can learn: which everyday foods have uncommon cancer-fighting properties and how best to prepare them; which supplements can help-or hurt-their chances; how certain fats and oils enhance their body’s natural defences; the exciting promise of plant chemicals called flavonoids, which enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy while adding a significant layer of protection to healthy cells; and much more.

Learn how to minimize Lymphedema risk thru self care and education
“Women to Women” – Lymphatic system and benefits of Lymph Massage.

Breast Cancer Support
Cancer Care 1-(800)-813-4673
Komen Patient Advocate Foundation
Financial Aid Fund
One time $300. Patients must apply on own.
Call 855-824-7941

FAR Infrared Sauna

Dr. Dagny, CCH.t. D.D
Sovereign Sexy Sage,
Wisdom Warriess, Ancestral Lifestyle Advocate
Text/Call 949-201-7337

If you are looking for the most advanced Far Infrared Technology, then you have found it!

What makes the Relax Sauna so effective is the generator of the Far Infrared Light that interacts with and pulsates your water molecules. It increases your body’s core temperature and dilates your capillaries, which improves circulation and increases lymph flow. When you have all of this, it is incredible to see the health benefits that come with it. Many health problems will simply disappear!

Free 5-10 minute Relax Sauna Sessions are available anytime at our store!

TheRelax Far Infrared Sauna!In Black!features a more appealing sauna tent than the one that comes with the standard Relax Sauna. It is thicker than the standard model, featuring double stitched construction, and a black nylon exterior. Its insulating interior is a composite cotton padding material infused with more silver oxide than what comes in the standard model. That makes it more reflective of far infrared light inside the sauna chamber. This enhanced
reflectivity enables more far infrared to penetrate into your body, resulting in faster, and more productive sweating. The Radiators in the Black Tent Model are the same radiators included with the Relax Far Infrared Sauna!with the silver tent that we have been selling for many years. Indeed both models use the same patented far infrared generator technology found in the Sky Eye Radiator, which has received medical device designation from the FDA.
All great products have their imitators.
The reason people love and prefer Relax Saunas is…
      1. They are portable
      2. They heat up quickly
      3. They have radiators that strongly emit resonate, warm, and healing far infrared light
retail:“$2100.00USD plus $50 shipping
How Does the Relax FIR Sauna Stack Up to Others?
The Relax Sauna radiator is the most advanced of any FIR Light generator, and generatesthe  purest, cleanest, most intense soothing light!of any FIR Sauna that we have encountered. The Sit-Up version of the Relax Sauna uses two radiators that produce 1400 watts of energy, and generates a very intense healing light energy. The Lie-down Relax Sauna has one radiator that produces 800 watts of energy. Both have computer-programmed ceramic semi-conductor chips that filter out all NON-healing energies, and a reflecting tent that penetrates deep into human tissues over and over and over again. Unlike a tanning bed, the Relax Sauna will NEVER burn the skin. However, the FIR heat will open the pores in the skin and provoke the body to sweat out waste and toxins. Compare our Relax Sauna generator pictured below to the panels of any wooden sauna, and one can see that it looks like it costs more – it is solidly built. Compare it to the pieces of cloth and hot plates, or healing coils of any other portable sauna made in China. There really is no comparison. The Relax Sauna is made in Taiwan, which is known for quality. The Relax Sauna has two generators (radiators) which cost $895 if you want to purchase them alone, while the pieces of cloth and hot plates of the less expensive portable saunas look like they are worth about $30 – $40.
Check out the various links on your left to learn more about the Relax Sauna and its many health benefits. We have compiled information from around the internet extolling the virtues of bathing in Far Infrared Ray light. Sherry Rogers wrote a book,Detox or Die, about 15 years ago in which she  advocates the use of FIR energy. At that time, the Relax Sauna did not exist in the United States. Had it existed, we’re sure she would have mentioned it! The Relax Sauna is the ONLY Portable Sauna we know of that generates between 95%-99% safe & absorbable Far Infrared Light. After several years of selling the Relax Sauna, we were shocked to discover that every other portable “FIR” sauna generates only about 30% far infrared Light.They use a far infrared cloth which covers a metallic grid, or hotplate. It appears that there is no legal definition regulating what can be called a FIR Sauna. When you see a sauna advertised as FIR, It means to me that it is at least 25% FIR Energy being generated. Each company “Should” be able to tell you what percentage of the generated light in their sauna is FIR light (healing light). NOTE: The remaining percentage of generated light CANNOT be absorbed by your body. Unfortunately, most individuals selling these saunas have NO CLUE that their saunas are NOT even close to 100% FIR. On the other hand, our technology is the same as that in our Sky Eye Radiator. The Sky Eye Radiator has been issued a 510(k) number by the FDA, designating it as amedical device. Dozens of individuals who own expensive wooden saunas have chosen to purchase the Relax Sauna from us – specifically noting that the wooden saunas are very slow to heat up and as a result don’t get much use. Similarly, scores of those who own other brands of portable saunas have purchased the Relax Sauna from us sighting that not only do their existing models take too long to heat up but also that they don’t get a good sweat, don’t feel as good as they do with the Relax Sauna, and see little improvement in their ailments with these other brands. Demo models are usually available.!The demos are the latest model of the Relax Sauna and provide an excellent option for those who want to get into a Relax Sauna at a discount.


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